I'm doing pretty good. No snow!! I think that it is finally going away. It has been 32 degrees warm! How sad is that? So I forgot to tell you that I was totally at University of Minnesota when they beat Indiana! It's was pretty crazy over there. Of course I was not at the game but just being on campus was fun. I know that you are into the March Madness Dad.

We have been doing a lot of family history lately and it has been super fun. Also, a great way to get to know some non members that come into the center. We have been going to the ward activities and meeting a lot of great people both members and non members alike. There was a Relief Society activity this week and we did movie skits. I was in the Star Wars group and was dubbed "Sister Vader" because they had me read all of the Vader lines in the classic "I am your father scene." It was really great. I think that the RS President does have some pictures. I will ask to have her email me a picture so that I can send it to you.
Things have been going good. Our investigators were sick this past week but we were blessed anyways by having a hand off lesson from our Zone Leaders. We have slowly been able to teach more and more each week. So that's great. We will be meeting with a gal named Adri next week. She moved in with a member family a few weeks ago and part of the agreement with her living there was that she would be involved in nightly scripture study and prayer. She has come to church the last few weeks and has really enjoyed it. This last Sunday, she had to work on Sunday. When she was at work, she broke down crying because she felt like there was a void in her life now because she wasn't at church. So, she left work and came to church late! How great is that? We are going to be having our first lesson with her this week.
Sister P is doing ok. I can see that she is lacking in the confidence area. I know that she can do all the things that are needed. I know that she can talk to people/plan/make decisions. However, some times I feel like she forgets her ability. So I have been working with her on that. I feel like I have been improving more in my teaching skills and really do feel confident that I can do anything that Lord's asks of me because He has called me here and has promised not to leave me hanging. I love this work.
oh and did you mean to make the blog only readable if people are invited. I would really like it if anyone could read it. I'm not sure if you were aware that you have to be invited to read the blog.
Not to much to say this week. We had to move into another member's home this week and we will
only be there until Saturday because the Bishop's wife is gone for two weeks.
The pictures are of our adventures in exploring the church. We found where the organ pipes where hidden at. Probably weren't allowed in there....
Love you all,